Baby Life Topic

Health & Lifestyle Choices Health, Work / Play / Leisure Suitable for stages: Pregnancy

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There is a huge amount of information out there on what it means to be healthy, full of what we should be doing. It can get so overwhelming that we forget that you have a choice in how to live your life and how you want or need to treat your body.

If this is your first pregnancy, you have the chance and choice to really focus on getting some healthy habits in place before life gets busy. It is an opportunity to do a life/health check in all areas of your life to start to be more health-conscious and start to make the small changes towards healthier habits.  

Your health is a balanced interaction between you, everything you do and your environment. Small everyday changes over time can add up to big changes and big rewards for not only for your health, but for your growing family.

When you are pregnant, your motivation can be for the sake of your baby's health. Change can be longer-lasting, if your motivation comes from a place of wanting the change for your own sake first, with the added benefit of flow-on effects to your family.

After that, it's a matter of exploring ideas and your options, to know what you would want to change and why. Knowing what lifestyle choices carry maternal and neonatal health risks and what can be beneficial can help in your exploration process. For example, you could consult publications such as Lifestyle considerations from which includes information in the areas of nutrition, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol and substance use during pregnancy.

health and lifestyle choices

The people around you will always have opinions and advice to give to you, it is your choice what you pick up. It is up to you to decide what could work for your situation. Like never before, you can seek information at the tap of your fingers. With that power, comes the responsibility to yourself to not get carried away in other people's ideas. When you have a problem and are looking for inspiration always keep coming back to yourself, what your truth is, how can you get creative, and what will serve you.

You could evaluate the following areas of your life: 

  1. What you put in your body (food, nutrients, water and the air that you breathe)
  2. What you put on your body (products and clothes)
  3. How you care for and treat your body (self-care including hygiene, self-love, self-talk)
  4. How you think about your self and others (emotional and spiritual energy, intentions, gratitude, choices)
  5. How your body systems function (genetics, epigenetics, hormones, immunity, trauma, stress, disease processes, environmental toxins, microbiome)

Finally, you can make a choice and first action towards change. If you run into roadblocks, it's not a problem, everything is figure-out-able, if you need help with the how, ask for it, just keep remembering your 'why'. 


Please note: Above all, any information on this website aims to provide general ideas for informational and educational purposes only. We encourage users to investigate several information sources, including, where necessary, independent individualised medical advice before making any decisions that could affect you or your child’s health or wellbeing.

* BabyPeg participates in various affiliate programs and may earn a commission for referring our users through the links provided. This is at no additional cost to our users. We take great care in choosing products and services which align with the mission of promoting better health and wellness for our BabyPeg community. Where possible, products are tried and tested by us. To continue to provide BabyPeg as a free service and reach as many parents as possible, we appreciate your support in using the link provided to purchase if you decide the product is right for you.