Low Tox Life Go Low Tox Course Health, Work / Play / Leisure Suitable for stages: Pregnancy, 0 - 3 Months, 3 - 6 Months, 6 - 12 Months, 12 - 18 Months, 18 - 24 Months

The Go Low Tox course designed to help you switch and ditch environmental toxins across all aspects of daily life - including on your body and throughout your home. Coached personally by Alexx Stuart, the founder of Low Tox Life, you can become one of the over 3000 course alumni students (with over 90% of alumni saying the course was life-changing).
Course content includes:
- Endocrine disruptive chemicals - the where, the what, the how-to minimise and the critical need for doing so for our children and future human health.
- Kitchen, bathroom and multipurpose cleaning chemicals laid bare – yup, boring but life-changing. DIY and ready-buy options both recommended to help you kick goals YOUR way.
- Low Tox Laundry - How you can have squeaky clean clothes with no harmful residues like lung irritants, migraine instigators, and dermatitis promoters, not to mention without poisoning our waterways and our environment.
- Low Tox Face - Cosmetics, skincare & men’s face & shaving – because beauty is more than skin-deep. Learn the top nasties, where they commonly lurk and what to choose instead - and there's A LOT of choice!
- Body scrubs, lotions, sun care and self-tanning in the spotlight – Know what to avoid and know that there will be delicious swaps made.
- The Antibacterial Myth– are we ‘too clean’? Embracing good bugs while keeping away the bad guys, and becoming more resilient in the face of antibiotic resistance? Yes thanks.
- Personal Hygiene - We talk pits, time of the month, sexy time. Don’t blush now. We tackle the lot and there's a bucket load of low tox options to choose from.
- Low Tox meditations - mind, body, and spirit matter so much more than we give credit (and time) for and these become a favourite for course takers on Sundays.
- Detoxing from chemicals - Discover over 50 ways to do it safely, gently and start removing the toxins lingering from past exposures. No, you won't be made to do any extreme cleansing, fasting or "rapid eliminations".
- Low Tox Make-Up - Looking gorgeous doesn’t need to cost your health any longer. Know the top nasties. Know the top-performing low tox options for many different skin challenges, coverage requirements and skin types.
- Low Tox Kids - Growing bodies are coping with enough let alone weirdo nasties. A great overview of kid's personal care, toys, craft and more as well as how to get older kids on side with the changes.
- Low Tox Hair & Nails - How to nurture those fickle follicles.
- Plastic Free Living - Going LOW plastic in a high plastic world? Bucket loads of ideas, solutions, DIY upcycles and brands to help you do it.
- Water and Teeth - Purifying the facts on oral health, tooth paste and water filtration with a pioneering holistic dentist to guide us.
- Cookware & Bakeware - What's harmful and what we can use with confidence. Know what's what between all the coatings and which to use in which situations in terms of what you're cooking and for how long.
- Low Tox Conversations - When people don't understand your decision to go low tox, we have a brilliant expert psychologist and mind coach AND chat about the ways most likely get them on your side!
- Low Tox Clothes - You won't need to throw your wardrobe away, but we will set ourselves up for best practices for future clothes including how to shop textiles.
- Low tox home - Simple swaps and inexpensive tests to ensure you're not unnecessarily exposed to heavy metals.
- Dust and Mould - The facts on their impact to your health with our building biologist and learn awesome tips to minimise both as well as gaining resources on where to turn to if you suspect mould illness or a water-damaged building.
- BONUS TOPICS (For premium and life time member options) Natural pest options, low tox renovation options and how to care for your pets the low tox way!
Go Low Tox access for $98 which includes Bonus Topics and lifetime access to the course content.
Go Low Tox testimonials from Alexx Stuart on Vimeo.